Thursday, April 29, 2010

Time to get ready for Queen’s Day.

Well it’s Queens Day eve here in Scotland and I’m getting everything ready for making Orange Tompoezen tomorrow!

Tompoezen are a Dutch sweet, similar to the French Mille-feuille. They consist of two layers of puff pastry filled with custard and topped with a pink icing, but on Queen’s Day (30th April) they have an orange icing.

I’ve prepared a batch of puff pastry that is sitting in my fridge and hopefully I’ve made it correctly… Puff pastry is notoriously difficult to make. So far, I’ve found it very time consuming but I think that the ‘trick’ to it is to follow the instructions very, very carefully. Tomorrow I’ll see if it turns out ok and if I’ve made it wrong, well there are plenty of frozen packets of puff pastry waiting in my local supermarket – so never fear, there will definitely be Orange Tompoezen tomorrow!!

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