Friday, April 9, 2010

Number two

So after much careful consideration, I’ve decided what will be the next recipe – Shortbread!

This may seem like I’m going in order of difficulty or in order of what I’ve made before, but let me assure you, I’m pretty nervous about this one! For two weeks now I’ve been living in Scotland – the land of Shortbread and this makes me a little bit anxious about getting it right…

When I was a kid I remember making something quite similar to Shortbread – essentially a butter cookie, but there seems to be a lot of conflicting arguments out there as to what makes authentic shortbread.

I’m going to try and recreate what has always been shortbread to me. A very buttery and crisp biscuit mass produced by Walkers.

Unlike most of the other recipes on the list, I know what this one should taste like, so I’m going to have to keep making it until it tastes just right.

I think I’ll make it with a recipe from the BBC website. They give it as 3 parts Flour, 2 parts Butter and 1 part Caster Sugar – that sounds pretty buttery to me! And then dredge it with Caster Sugar when it comes out of the oven which is what a lot of other recipes are recommending.


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