Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Can you say Laskiaispulla?!

After my first taste of something sweet based on Cardamom (see Kanelbulle), I’m hopping over to Sweden’s friendly neighbour to see how Laskiaispulla fare. I’ve always considered Cardamom to be a spice solely reserved for savoury food but over the past several weeks I’ve grown accustomed to the combination of this spice with sweet. This has mostly been due to visits to my local Swedish Bakery/Café Peter’s Yard, which I must mention again because they really have fantastic produce!

Laskiaispulla are basically a Cream Bun, made with a wheat and Cardamom dough, filled with Strawberry Jam or Marzipan and always plenty of whipped cream. It’s again similarly to the Kanelbulle a yeast-based dough so at the moment it’s going through the proofing process in my warm kitchen.

I’ll let you know how they turn out very soon!

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