Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Grande Italia!

So this one is a rather special milestone on this culinary journey; I speak fluent Italian, I have spent a lot of time in Italy, and I have eaten my fair share of Tiramisú!

Tiramisú is a wonderful little pudding that is really very easy to make, the difficulty is usually in finding all the ingredients in the same shop. Here in Dublin, there are plenty of Italian shops that sell all sorts of things which make me homesick for Roma, including everything you need to make a mean Tiramisú.

‘Tiramisú’ literally means ‘pick me up’. This is derived from Venetian dialect, where too the pudding comes from. There is no mention of Tiramisú anywhere prior to the 1960’s. I would guess it’s a dish that has come in to existence solely due to its ingredients of mass produced foods. See – processed foods aren’t all bad!

If you’ve never tried Tiramisú before, well, you’re in for a real treat. If you like cream in your coffee, then this is definitely one for you.

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