Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Well this Apfeltorte has in many ways been the most difficult recipe to put together. Mostly because, countless countries have their own version of what “Apple Tart” is, and indeed some countries even have several.

It would appear that Luxembourgian Apfeltorte is a tart as opposed to a pie and the apples are arranged in a decorative fan-like way on top of the pastry with no additional pastry on top.

In traditional British Isles’ Apple pies, cakes and tarts, one would usually use a very ‘tart’ or sour apple such as a bramble, however I would imagine that the Luxembourgian Apple Tart is somewhat influenced by the French ‘Tart Tartin’ or similar. Therefore I have chosen a slightly sweeter apple (Granny Smith) in making this sweet. The Granny Smith is still fairly sour yet it has a sweeter aftertaste than the Bramble or ‘Cooking Apple’.

There are countless types of pastry that can be used in making an Apple Tart, but judging from the pictures of Apfeltorte I found on I have decided to go for a sweet shortcrust pastry that hopefully will turn out nice and crisp.

Number 10, lets go!!!

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